Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nice to meet me again; Im back!

It has been more than a year and a half since I wrote my very last post. It was my official good bye to the single lady life. I was about to get married and assumed my post wouldn't be as interesting as they used to be when I was free as I bird and wild as any other 25 year old would be. I was about to become Mrs. something and in one of the most painful moments of my life, I decided to delete my blog, with no explanations whatsoever to those who had been following me for so long. Yes, I was ungrateful and unfair to them. And it took me a while to overcome the guilt. I also closed the Myspace account, where my blog was held in a desperate attempt to cut any other possibility to be found. I just chose to shut the lights off and disappear. Start my new "married woman" life and live all I ever thought, dreamed, wrote and shared with so many people around the world behind.Like if it was that simple.

For those of you that still have no clue of what Im talking about, let me introduce myself to you; I was born Patricia, almost 27 years ago back in Brazil. And Im gonna skip - for now - everything in between till the moment I became Trish living in this lovely country I dare to call home, USA. My passion for books and writing is not new. Ive been always a book worm and my biggest frustration in life is that I was never able to enter Journalism school. So I took the Marketing thing but held inside that passion I have for the words and the power they have. Being as open as an open book, sharing my feelings and thought was never an issue for me... so back in 2008 I decided to randomly write some stuff I had in my mind about all this girlsxguys thing in my myspace page. I wasnt really writing specifically to anyone; writing is venting for me. I was talking to the walls. But I didnt know that the walls had ears, and eyes. Afetr few months posting constantly Ive noticed that my blogs were jumping from 5 visits a day to 50, 60. And I started to wonder who the hell were those people since I only had 34 myspace friends. My profile was public tho.. but how did whomever those people were found me? And why were they reading what I had to say? I kept posting in a regular basis, always with topics related to this so complicated thing called relationships.. as I watched the numbers of visits jump from 60 to 100 then from 200 to 400. Until the day I will never forget, when I posted about "French kiss" and had a whoping 1250 views in one day. Ok, lets be honest here. Famous bloggers got 10000 times more than that. But, excuse me, they are famous. They have a name. I was a housekeeper that was still learning english and had 35 friends in this entire island. That was a sign that somehow, whatever I was writing, was being entertaining to someone.

The emails from all countries you can imagine - including those I didnt even know were in the map - wouldnt stop arriving and so the beloved followers that would remind me to write something soon because they were waiting anxiously. One of them used to call me Carrie Bradshaw of Hawaii (, thanks). Some were asking when I was gonna write a book. Some of them were just laughin at my poor English and cheesy posts. Some of them offered me a publisher. Then the publisher offered me a contract. Then everything changed. I stopped. Instead of taking adavantage of the moment, I stopped. I chose to delete my blog, all my hard work, all my fans and followers because I was getting married. Do you understand? M-A-R-R-I-E-D. Such a great reason to dropp of you dreams like that. Oh Jesus, the stupid things we do when we are in love. Mercy me.

Oh well... time has passed. Shit had happened. Lots of them. Let me emphasize that: LOTS OF SHIT HAD HAPPENED, but Im still me. With zero followers today.. just venting to the walls and no expectations whatsoever. I just want to vent. And fell again the pleasure I have whenever I touch this keyboard to write. Like it has always been. And like will always be. Just me again, open like an open book. Welcome to my world; once again.

1 comment:

  1. I love you, my Hawaiian Princess!... more than words could ever say. I'm so glad you're back!!! {}
